Tuesday, March 25, 2008


In addition to sprouting, I have been adding chia into my diet because of it's low cost and fab nutrient profile. This is seriously one amazing little seed and quite yummy. I can't believe it's taken me this long to get into it, as I have been reading about it's virtues for about a year now. Here are some highlights:

  • Is quick and easy to make. It takes about one to five minutes of actual work depending on how fancy you get with flavoring, and ten minutes of waiting.
  • Can increase energy because it is packed with nutrients and absorbs slowly into the body.
  • Levels out blood sugar, so you can eat it with sweet things and not get a crash. From the Chia Cheet Sheet: "Chia slows the impact of sugars on the system, if eaten together. Chia gel creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, which slows the conversion of carbs into sugar. That means the energy from the food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance."
  • Absorbs a tremendous amount of water when it's made, and this helps with hydration and retaining electorltes.
  • Helps swish out your digestive system, meaning better poops! Everyone loves pooping. From the Chia Cheat Sheet: "Chia seeds bulk up, then work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through your intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. Many people find their stools also become more regular once they eat chia."
  • "Chia seeds typically contain 20% protein, 34% oil, 25% dietary fiber (mostly soluble with high molecular weight), and significant levels of antioxidants (chlorogenic and caffeic acids, myricetin, quercitin, and kaempferol flavonols). The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of Omega 3 fatty acid - approximately 64%." (from: www.omega-3-chia.com/chia.cfm)
  • Is low calorie but high bulk.

Angela Stokes has created the great little Chia Cheat Sheet I referenced above. It has more information on this yummy and amazing seed.

Chia is a little black and white seed that looks like teeny weeny dinasaur eggs. To eat it, you soak it in water or some flavored liquid for ten minutes or more. The longer is soaks, the more soft it gets. Soaking the chia seeds creates a clear gel around the seed/dinosaur egg looking part, so when ready to eat they look like fish eggs or tapioca or bubble tea. It is fun watching the chia "grow".

Chia could be the raw version of beans and rice or oatmeal because it is cheap, filling, a little bit goes a long way, and it is so easy to make. I am very excited about this!

So far I have only been having sweet chia, but I am interested in some savory recipes. Surprisingly, the chia tastes really good (to me) just plain soaked in water even though there is not much flavor to it.

Here are some recipes I've been enjoying.

Vanilla Mulberry Brain Tapioca

Chia Seeds
Hemp Milk (see the recipe here)

First soak the chia in water for ten minutes or more. Then add the rest of the ingredients to taste. Sika came over for some pre dinner dessert and we had this. She said "Oh my. You've really outdone yourself."

That was very nice.

Apple Chia Super Bowl

Blend together:
apple 1 1/2
ginger 1/2 inch section
vanilla 1/4 t
honey 1.5 T
lecithin 2 t
pollen 1 t
mesquite 1T
cinnamon 1t
salt pinch
water 2 cups or so

Pour over 3 T chia seeds, leave to set. This recipe comes out bright yellow!

Also check out my Apple Cinnamon Chiameal recipe, published in another post.

Finally, I leave you with a not very amusing video about chia. This video is mostly for the "someone really spent their time making this?!" factor. It is from the site: chiabritney.com where you can buy a chia pet that looks like Britney. Umm, no thanks.

Chia Britney - The Movie - video powered by Metacafe

Sorry Britney, you got nothing on Mr. T.

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