From the website:
"The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.
Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it."LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS
uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
Click on the dancer to go to the site.
I cannot make her spin "anti-clockwise!" Some people can watch her spin one way and then the other. The brain is amazing.
I can't make her go anti-clockwise either. I thought I was more left brain oriented than that. I'm kind of surprised that I can't make her go both ways. Maybe I need to try harder. Uhnnnnhnn... (the sound of effort).
Weird. When the image loaded just now, I saw her spinning counter-clockwise. Then I blinked and she started spinning clockwise. I can't get her to go CC again.
I got her to spin CC by covering parts of her body. I covered her head, pelvis, and feet (roughly). When I took my fingers away, she'd keep spinning CC for a bit but would flip back to C pretty easily.
Wow, that dancer test is pretty cool. I first saw it going anti-clockwise, looked down for a minute, looked back and then it was going clockwise. I wonder what the reason was for that?
If I focus on the shadow of her foot I can change the direction from clockwise to anticlockwise, then just play and make her spin whichever way I choose that is really cool!!!
I think it has to do with being the dancer, since there is no real gender or innate direction, it is just perception. I guess once you figure out it is you that is doing the spinning, you just have to slide across the axis to change directions.
There is real maths involved too. And, everything is wrong with it.
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